My mom was not a beauty queen. She was thirty-eight in 1955 when I was born and I was the last of her five children. I would describe her as your average stay at home mother from the era of the fifties and sixties. She was overweight with lots of cellulite in her thighs and in her big white butt. While growing up I often saw her in her bra and panties but I also have vivid memories of seeing her bare butt a number of times. I also recall how I often enjoyed getting wonderful views of her butt through her nightgowns. Whenever she would bend over in her silky white nightgowns, her butt and crack were always quite visible. It was those visions in my mind of her butt that would get me aroused when I fantasized. The following picture is not my mom the resemblance is remarkable and I find it to be very sexy.

Recently I had been communicating with another older perverted guy like myself and we began telling each other intimate stories from our childhood about our mothers. Those stories and thinking about the events brought back all kinds of memories and of the fantasies that I had of my mom when I was young. One morning after that I was laying in bed thinking of those fantasies and strangely I felt myself getting aroused. I couldn't believe what was happening but it didn't take long before I was fully erect. I pulled the covers down and watched myself as I began to rub and stroke my excited wee-wee just like I used to do when I was a young boy. I was envisioning my mom's big creamy white butt in her panties and I was masturbating my excited wee-wee. I'm 62 years old and what I was doing didn't seem right yet I couldn't make myself stop. I was as hard as I could possibly be and then the inevitable happened. I felt that wonderful feeling in my wee-wee as I stroked myself then I watched a thick load of creamy cum squirt on my belly. It was one of the most intense "cums" that I've had recently. Afterwards I felt like I had done something wrong and very perverted. My mom has long been deceased and I just masturbated while fantasizing about her! I wondered what would make me do that but I had no answer. What may be even stranger is that I have done the same thing a few times since and with the same results. I feel like such a pervert!