One of the more memorable moments I enjoy thinking about is the first time that I made STINK in my panties in a store after taking a laxative. I had taken laxatives on a number of occasions at my home when I would STINK my panties but had never used them when doing it in a public place. When I had finally decided to try it, I was a little nervous as I knew there was the potential for the soft messy STINK to stain through my pants and be very noticeable. I had a few days off from work and after not having a BM for two days, I knew it would be a good time to make a laxative induced STINK in my panties at a store. I took a laxative before going to bed and it wasn't long after I awoke the next morning that I really needed to poop badly! Even though I had planned on going to a store that is open 24 hours, it was still early and I was hoping to wait until later in the morning when the store would be busier to make it more exciting. I put on pink Hanes Her Way full cut cotton panties and a Playtex firm control long leg panty girdle under my jeans to give myself as much "protection" as I could then sat down to wait while hoping I would be able to control myself for longer. Even though the laxative was doing it's job and it was a struggle to not STINK my pants, I managed to wait until around 9:30AM before leaving my house for the ten minute drive to the store I had chosen to go to. When I arrived at the store I was really feeling nervous about what I was planning to do but by then I needed to poop so badly that I didn't have time to think much about it. I wanted to make a big messy STINK in my pants in a public location and I wasn't about to lose the opportunity that I had. I walked quickly through the large store to the back where the CD's and video's were located then stopped and pretended to be looking for a CD. At that moment I felt like I couldn't wait for even another minute and since there was no one else standing in that same aisle I began my usual ritual by quietly saying to myself "oh god I can't hold it in any longer, I'm going to STINK my pants". I was really nervous about how messy my STINK might be so I just tried to relax my sphincter slightly and I felt a small amount of very soft STINK ooze into my panties. It was warm and creamy and felt so wonderful that I knew I wanted to have more of it in my pants. By then it didn't matter what I wanted. I had lost control of my bowels and felt an enormous amount of hot mushy STINK filling my panties and spreading out over my butt followed immediately by another enormous amount of more mushy STINK. In a matter of seconds I had completely filled my pants with the biggest pile of soft mushy STINK that I could imagine and I still wasn't done. Thus far the girdle seemed to be containing the large amount of messy STINK and since I was confident none had gotten into my pants I quickly decided that I wanted to FILL my panties with as much STINK as I could before leaving the store. There was still no one nearby to where I was standing so I grunted then heard the bubbly sound of mushy runny STINK as I felt another large amount of the hot creamy mess spreading in my panties. My desire had been to completely fill my panties with STINK and I knew right away that I had certainly accomplished that. I could tell the gooey mess had already oozed far enough between my legs to cover my balls and some of it had pushed out of the leg openings of my panties down into the legs of my girdle. The odor around me left no doubt that I had just made STINK in my pants and I knew I needed to leave the area immediately then started walking towards the exit. As I walked through the store I was very aware of the large mess I had in my pants and enjoyed every moment of it.
After leaving the store I sat down in my van in the parking lot to drive home and squished the massive pile of STINK I had in my pants. I have to say that I REALLY ENJOYED THAT!!! The warm mushy mess went everywhere! Up my backside, around my butt cheeks, and it pushed so far up into the front of my panties that I could feel it on my fully aroused wee-wee. I started sliding my butt back and forth in my STINK and was going to masturbate at that moment but then decided to wait until I got home to have fun. Every time I would get stopped at a traffic signal I would again slide my butt back and forth in my STINK as I totally enjoyed having such a large amount in my panties. As I would move my butt the firmness of my girdle would also massage my erection with my STINK that had pushed into the front of the panties and that was really turning me on. After about the fifth traffic signal I couldn't take the excitement any longer and ejaculated into my STINK filled panties! While I was enjoying myself as I drove home I never really thought about how much of a mess I was making but as soon as I parked in my driveway and got out of the van it became very apparent. I saw STINK on the back of the seat then as I put my hand on my back I could feel the gooey mess on my shirt. I didn't know at that moment how bad it was but still I began to panick a little as I knew I was standing in full view of my neighbors house in broad daylight with STINK visibly showing on my back. I hurried into my house and as far as I know, I wasn't seen. If I had been it was REALLY obvious that I had completely messed my pants. There was thick light brown STINK on my jeans from where it had pushed over the top of the waist and there was also STINK on about the lower four inches of the shirt I was wearing. It was exciting for me when I pulled down my panties and looked at my limp wee-wee covered with STINK but even more exciting to see my cum mixed in with my STINK in the front of the panties. After that day it's always been a special treat whenever I have enough messy STINK in my panties that it squishes up in the front and I'm able to masturbate my wee-wee in my STINK. Of course there have also been other times where I have teken STINK in my hand and used it as a lubricant while stroking my wee-wee but that isn't quite as much fun as the other way. I still remember that day well and even though I've wanted to repeat the event as far as the amount of STINK I had in my panties while being in public, thus far I have not been able to accomplish it. I am still hoping that someday I can make that much STINK in my pants again while in a public location.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I STINK MY first time on purpose in a store
After realizing how exciting it was to STINK my pants outside of my house I wanted to do it in a more "public" place where there would be other people around me and thought it would be fun to try it at a store. For my first time I wanted to go somewhere that wasn't too busy or too confined but yet would give me the thrill of being in public with people around. I decided on a K-Mart near to my house where I knew on weeknights there were never too many shoppers. Within a few days I had the opportunity I was hoping for. Shortly after eating dinner one evening I started getting a strong urge to poop and I knew it would be the perfect time to STINK my pants at K-Mart. I put on a long leg panty girdle over my full cut cotton panties for added protection to insure that my poop wouldn't escape into my jeans then to make things a little more interesting, I inserted a suppository prior to leaving for K-Mart. I already had butterflies in my stomach in anticipation of what I was about to do and by the time I arrived at K-Mart I was also starting to get a little nervous. The suppository was having the desired effects and after walking around in the store for only about five minutes my need to poop had gotten to the point that I felt like I couldn't "hold it' much longer. I was in the Housewares area then walked to the aisle where the picture frames are located and there was a woman standing there looking at frames. I went to the far end of the aisle a good distance from where she was then pretended to also be looking at frames. By then the butterflies in my stomach were enormous and I wasn't sure I could go through with my plan. The woman hadn't gotten any nearer to me and as I stood there I thought to myself "should I do this or not? I know it's crazy but I really want to go in my pants". I thought about it for a few more seconds then I quietly said to myself "I'm going to do it, I'm going to STINK my pants". Without further hesitation I grunted and heard the crackling sound of STINK quickly filling my pants. And there was no doubt at all that I FILLED THEM!!! I was almost shocked by the large amount of creamy STINK I'd pushed into my panties and for the first time since that infamous moment at Woolworths when I was eight years old, I was standing in a store and my pants were completely FULL OF STINK!!! The area where I was standing was instantly filled with the odor of STINK and if anyone would have walked by me at that moment they would have known I had it in my pants. I knew I needed to leave right away and began to walk through the store towards the exit. Although I was very paranoid it felt wonderful walking through a K-Mart with my pants full of STINK and in a strange way I was almost wishing that someone would know. No one was ever very near to me though and I'm certain I got out undetected. As soon as I sat down in my van and felt my STINK squishing up my butt crack and between my legs, I couldn't wait any longer to fully enjoy myself. I began rubbing my excited wee-wee through my jeans as I rocked back and forth in my STINK and within seconds I soaked my panties with cum!
Since that first time at K-Mart, I have enjoyed filling my panties with STINK in various stores, at the local mall on a number of occasions, while taking long bicycle rides and while walking around in my neighborhood. I've worn panties, girdles, and diapers. No matter how many times I do it, I still get the same adrenaline "rush" and always find it exciting. I usually enjoy using laxatives, suppositories, or bottled enemas when making STINK in my panties in public places in order to help give me a feeling of "desperation". It's so exciting to be somwhere in a public place and having to go STINK so badly that I know I can't make it to a restroom if I wanted to. At that moment I will think to myself "oh god, I'm going to STINK my pants" then totally enjoy the wonderful feeling of the warm creamy mess spreading in my panties followed by the "panick" from knowing that I'm in public with my pants full of STINK!
Friday, September 30, 2011
I STINK MY PANTS.....and I'm addicted to it!
For the last six months prior to my wedding day I made STINK and would then cum in my panties at least once a week. I thought maybe I would get tired of doing it but that wasn't the case. I seemed to be enjoying it and getting more turned on each time I did it. A few days before my wedding I decided I had to quit. I threw away most of the panties and the pantyhose that were in my collection except for a few pair that I felt like I could keep hidden from my wife. I guess I also wanted to keep a few panties "just in case" although I was determined I was going to stop making STINK in my panties. I was only about a month into my marriage when I faltered for the first time. I was unemployed at the time so I had plenty of extra time on my hands while my new bride was at work. Shortly after waking up one morning I started having cramps and a very strong urge to poop. I knew from the way I felt I had a big creamy STINK needing to come out and I couldn't resist my desire. I put on one of the pairs of panties that I had kept and totally filled them with a large messy pile of warm creamy STINK! I had really missed doing it and it felt wonderful having my panties full of STINK again. I then sat down in the bathtub in my STINK filled panties and masturbated to a very intense orgasm! So much for quitting! After that I was right back to doing it every chance that I got and over the next eight months as I remained unemployed I was able to STINK my panties a lot!
Throughout my marriage I surprisingly was able to find more opportunities to STINK my panties than you would imagine. I nearly got caught one time and I have no idea how I would have explained it. Fortunately I didn't have to. My fetish did begin having a negative impact on my marriage over time and by about the fourth year I realized that I was enjoying making STINK in my panties and masturbating more than I enjoyed having sex with my wife. It got so bad that when I knew I was going to have the chance to STINK in my panties I would sometimes avoid sex with my wife in order to enjoy having a stronger and more intense orgasm when I masturbated with STINK in my filled panties. During the last year of our marriage we purchased a video camera and by then I was so obsessed with making STINK in my panties that I began making video's of myself doing it. I would then watch myself in the videos on days when I wasn't able to enjoy the actual pleasure. There were many days when I would come home from work on my lunch break and masturbate while watching a video of myself making STINK in my panties!
Although I was quite saddened when my wife and I divorced the one thing that I looked forward to with being "single" again was having the opportunity to STINK my panties any time that I wanted without having to hide it. My wife moved out on a Saturday morning and by noon of that day I had STINK in my panties The next day after that I made STINK in my panties again and the day after that too. It was wonderful and I decided then that any time I was at home alone and needed to poop, I was going to STINK my panties. In that first year after my wife had moved out, I made STINK in my panties more than 300 times! And the year after that I did it more than 300 times again! The only time I used the toilet for a BM was if I was in a situation where I couldn't do it in my pants! I was also having lots of great sex since I would always play with my wee-wee when my panties were full of STINK and inevitably I would soak my panties with a big load of cum! Although I eventually cut down on the number of times I was making STINK in my pants, I never did get tired of doing it or enjoying it. As strange as this may sound, I even kept track of the number of times I did it and what panties I messed in. By the time I finally remarried 12 years later, I had enjoyed having STINK in my panties over 2,600 times!!!
One morning about a year after my wife and I divorced I was taking the trash out to the curbside for the weekly garbage pick-up and was feeling a strong urge to poop. I already knew I was going to STINK in my panties when I went back inside but then an idea came to mind. There was no one else around and it seemed like it could be exciting to make STINK in my pants while outside of my house. I was wearing gray sweat pants and a pair of white cotton full cut panties. When I got out to the street and sat the trash bag down I grunted and completely filled my panties with a big mushy STINK! I rubbed my hand across my butt and could feel a large bulge hanging in the seat of my sweats. If anyone had been nearby and looked closely at me I'm certain they would have noticed the bulge in my sweats but as I said, no one was around unless they happened to be looking out their windows. If someone had seen me that morning walking back towards my house the sight probably would have been quite humorous to them. It would have not only been obvious from the bulge in my seat that I had pooped my pants but they would have also known from the very noticeable "tenting" bulge in the front of my sweats that I was enjoying it! This essentially was the beginning of "pooping my pants in public" and over the next several months I did the same thing a number of times.
One of my favorite times of doing this was one morning when I saw two teenage girls on their way to school, walking in my direction on the sidewalk just as I was walking down my drive-way with the trash. As soon as I saw them I knew what I wanted to do and I started getting aroused by the thought of it. Like the times before, when I got out to the street I sat the bag of trash down then grunted and filled my panties with STINK. As I turned around the girls were crossing my drive-way, our eyes met and we said "good morning" to each other as they walked by. With the dark sweat pants I had on that morning I'm sure they didn't notice my boner bulging in the front of my sweats or the large bulge from STINK in the seat but still it was an incredible turn-on. I had spoken with two young females who were within a few feet of me while wearing panties FILLED WITH STINK!!! As I walked back towards my house I discreetly began to rub my excited wee-wee through my pants and ejaculated in my panties before I got inside!
Throughout my marriage I surprisingly was able to find more opportunities to STINK my panties than you would imagine. I nearly got caught one time and I have no idea how I would have explained it. Fortunately I didn't have to. My fetish did begin having a negative impact on my marriage over time and by about the fourth year I realized that I was enjoying making STINK in my panties and masturbating more than I enjoyed having sex with my wife. It got so bad that when I knew I was going to have the chance to STINK in my panties I would sometimes avoid sex with my wife in order to enjoy having a stronger and more intense orgasm when I masturbated with STINK in my filled panties. During the last year of our marriage we purchased a video camera and by then I was so obsessed with making STINK in my panties that I began making video's of myself doing it. I would then watch myself in the videos on days when I wasn't able to enjoy the actual pleasure. There were many days when I would come home from work on my lunch break and masturbate while watching a video of myself making STINK in my panties!
Although I was quite saddened when my wife and I divorced the one thing that I looked forward to with being "single" again was having the opportunity to STINK my panties any time that I wanted without having to hide it. My wife moved out on a Saturday morning and by noon of that day I had STINK in my panties The next day after that I made STINK in my panties again and the day after that too. It was wonderful and I decided then that any time I was at home alone and needed to poop, I was going to STINK my panties. In that first year after my wife had moved out, I made STINK in my panties more than 300 times! And the year after that I did it more than 300 times again! The only time I used the toilet for a BM was if I was in a situation where I couldn't do it in my pants! I was also having lots of great sex since I would always play with my wee-wee when my panties were full of STINK and inevitably I would soak my panties with a big load of cum! Although I eventually cut down on the number of times I was making STINK in my pants, I never did get tired of doing it or enjoying it. As strange as this may sound, I even kept track of the number of times I did it and what panties I messed in. By the time I finally remarried 12 years later, I had enjoyed having STINK in my panties over 2,600 times!!!
One morning about a year after my wife and I divorced I was taking the trash out to the curbside for the weekly garbage pick-up and was feeling a strong urge to poop. I already knew I was going to STINK in my panties when I went back inside but then an idea came to mind. There was no one else around and it seemed like it could be exciting to make STINK in my pants while outside of my house. I was wearing gray sweat pants and a pair of white cotton full cut panties. When I got out to the street and sat the trash bag down I grunted and completely filled my panties with a big mushy STINK! I rubbed my hand across my butt and could feel a large bulge hanging in the seat of my sweats. If anyone had been nearby and looked closely at me I'm certain they would have noticed the bulge in my sweats but as I said, no one was around unless they happened to be looking out their windows. If someone had seen me that morning walking back towards my house the sight probably would have been quite humorous to them. It would have not only been obvious from the bulge in my seat that I had pooped my pants but they would have also known from the very noticeable "tenting" bulge in the front of my sweats that I was enjoying it! This essentially was the beginning of "pooping my pants in public" and over the next several months I did the same thing a number of times.
One of my favorite times of doing this was one morning when I saw two teenage girls on their way to school, walking in my direction on the sidewalk just as I was walking down my drive-way with the trash. As soon as I saw them I knew what I wanted to do and I started getting aroused by the thought of it. Like the times before, when I got out to the street I sat the bag of trash down then grunted and filled my panties with STINK. As I turned around the girls were crossing my drive-way, our eyes met and we said "good morning" to each other as they walked by. With the dark sweat pants I had on that morning I'm sure they didn't notice my boner bulging in the front of my sweats or the large bulge from STINK in the seat but still it was an incredible turn-on. I had spoken with two young females who were within a few feet of me while wearing panties FILLED WITH STINK!!! As I walked back towards my house I discreetly began to rub my excited wee-wee through my pants and ejaculated in my panties before I got inside!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I STINK MY PANTS!!! Discovering the full pleasure.
For the last few years that I was living with my parents I would STINK my pants whenever I would have a "perfect" opportunity but that wasn't more then ten or twenty times a year. Even though it wasn't as often as I would have liked, it was fun and I almost always would masturbate and cum in my panties while doing it. Surprisingly, after I moved out into my own apartment and could have made STINK in my panties at any time that I wanted I decided that I was going to stop doing it. For the next three years I had virtually stopped. I did STINK my panties a few times a year but considering that I could have done it almost every day if I had wanted, I pretty much felt like I had "kicked" my habit. On my twenty-sixth birthday that all changed.
About a week before my birthday I found a pair of white control-top pantyhose in the laundry room at my apartment building. I took them back to my apartment and tried them on. They felt wonderful and I loved the tightness on my butt and wee-wee. I began to play with myself and it didn't take long before I soaked them with a big load of cum. As I washed them out I started wondering what it would be like to make a big messy STINK in them? I had never done it in pantyhose and I already knew it was something I wanted to try. I put them away with my growing collection of panties and decided to wait until sometime when I really needed to poop badly in order to be certain to enjoy making a big messy STINK in them! On my twenty-sixth birthday my fiancee's mom made me dinner. Later that night when I got back to my apartment it was time for my own private birthday celebration consisting of a few hits off the bong while listening to some tunes, and then an enjoyable masturbation session with "my girls". My girls were the pictures of women in my Penthouse and Playboy magazines. During my masturbation sessions I would peruse through the magazines getting myself aroused and select whatever pictures from each magazine that struck my mood for that session. I would then line them up on my sofa and when I was fully aroused I would remove my clothes and let my girls watch me masturbate. On that night my masturbation session ended up being a little differently from what I had thought it was going to be.
I put on some tunes then after a few hits from the bong I was catching a good buzz and enjoying the music while watching television with the volume turned down. As I sat there I started getting some cramps in my lower abdomen and began to feel like I may need to poop but I didn't think much about it. After about an hour I was feeling horny and more then ready to masturbate. I took another hit from the bong then started going through the pictures in the magazines in my usual manner and lining up my favorites for that night on the couch. As I was looking through the magazines the cramps in my abdomen had gotten much worse and it had become apparent that I badly needed to poop. I also knew by the way I felt that it wasn't going to be a firm normal poop, it was going to be STINK, very soft and creamy STINK and I immediately thought about the control-top pantyhose. I was already somewhat aroused but as soon as I started thinking about making STINK in the pantyhose my wee-wee got really hard. I quickly looked through the last few magazines in my collection then went into the bedroom and put on the pantyhose.
Of all the times that I had made STINK in my pants in my life, I had never been "high" when I did it and I was turned on more than ever by the thought of what I was about to do. I then did my best "girly" strut back into the living room, stopped in front of the couch and began rubbing my excited wee-wee through the pantyhose as I said "you girls are in for a very special treat tonight". I continued massaging my excited erect wee-wee while moving in rhythm with the music then slowly turned around with my butt towards the pictures and said "I'll bet you girls have never watched an adult male STINK his pants". I put both hands on my hips, bent over slightly, then with one good grunt I totally filled the seat of the pantyhose with a large amount of very mushy STINK! It was probably a good thing I had the music on to drown out my voice or my neighbor might have heard me say with delight "Oh girls look at me, I just made STINK in my pantyhose and it feels so good!" As I continued dancing and moving my hips the tight control-top pantyhose forced my STINK to spread between my legs and I could feel some had oozed a little ways down the back of my legs. I was in complete ecstasy and had to stop rubbing my excited wee-wee to keep from cumming too soon. I went into the bathroom to check myself in the mirror and seeing the mess I had made excited me even more. Whenever I had pooped in panties I could see the bulges and the stain but in the pantyhose I COULD SEE MY STINK!!! I don't know why but it really turned me on to see all that lovely brown gooey STINK through the sheer material of the pantyhose. I stood there moving my hips around and watching the mess spread around on my butt while carefully massaging my wee-wee. I then went back into the front room to dance for the girls again but I knew I couldn't control myself for long. I already had a nice wet spot from pre-cum in the front of the pantyhose. After only another minute the desire to cum was getting to be too much. I quickly walked back into the bathroom where I could watch myself in the mirror again and started bending over then standing up then bending over then standing up. Every time I would bend over the pantyhose would pull very tight against my butt causing STINK to spread all over my butt. By then it was all the way up my butt crack, about six inches down the back of my legs and had also pushed well up between my legs. My balls were covered with the gooey mess and I was loving it.
When I had started the bending and standing motion I was doing it slowly while looking in the mirror at the STINK in the pantyhose but then I kept increasing the pace and it didn't take long before I was moving rather quickly. The pantyhose was not only smearing my STINK it was also providing hands free masturbation of my very aroused wee-wee and I could tell my excitement was building towards an incredible orgasm. When I felt as if I couldn't take the pleasurable sensations for even one more second I turned around to face the mirror, then with both hands on my hips I continued to rapidly bend all the way over and stand up. As I stood up I then began to thrust my hips forward and I could see my excited pink wee-wee straining in the sheer material with pre-cum oozing from the head. It was crazy how rapidly I was bending over then standing up but it felt so good. If I did that today I would probably throw my back out but at that moment it was total pleasure. After only about ten times of rapidly bending and standing the excitement became too much and I saw a big glob of thick white cum appear inside the pantyhose. I'd never felt my wee-wee unload like it did on that first squirt and I remember squealing rather loudly "OH YEA, I LOVE TO STINK MY PANTS!!!" I continued in the same motion at least five more times with thick streams of cum squirting into my pantyhose all the while repeating "I LOVE TO STINK MY PANTS! I LOVE TO STINK MY PANTS!". It was one of the most incredible orgasms I ever had and when it ended I felt totally spent.
As I stood there looking at myself with cum and STINK in the pantyhose I was thinking that may have been the strangest thing I'd ever done but yet there was no denying that it really turned me on and I totally enjoyed myself. For the previous three years I had virtually overcome my addiction to pooping in my pants but now I was again hooked. The bad news was that I only had six months until I would be getting married and I had now just become aware that I REALLY LOVED making STINK in my pants. After that night I had the desire to do it as often as I could before my wedding. My addiction had begun.
About a week before my birthday I found a pair of white control-top pantyhose in the laundry room at my apartment building. I took them back to my apartment and tried them on. They felt wonderful and I loved the tightness on my butt and wee-wee. I began to play with myself and it didn't take long before I soaked them with a big load of cum. As I washed them out I started wondering what it would be like to make a big messy STINK in them? I had never done it in pantyhose and I already knew it was something I wanted to try. I put them away with my growing collection of panties and decided to wait until sometime when I really needed to poop badly in order to be certain to enjoy making a big messy STINK in them! On my twenty-sixth birthday my fiancee's mom made me dinner. Later that night when I got back to my apartment it was time for my own private birthday celebration consisting of a few hits off the bong while listening to some tunes, and then an enjoyable masturbation session with "my girls". My girls were the pictures of women in my Penthouse and Playboy magazines. During my masturbation sessions I would peruse through the magazines getting myself aroused and select whatever pictures from each magazine that struck my mood for that session. I would then line them up on my sofa and when I was fully aroused I would remove my clothes and let my girls watch me masturbate. On that night my masturbation session ended up being a little differently from what I had thought it was going to be.
I put on some tunes then after a few hits from the bong I was catching a good buzz and enjoying the music while watching television with the volume turned down. As I sat there I started getting some cramps in my lower abdomen and began to feel like I may need to poop but I didn't think much about it. After about an hour I was feeling horny and more then ready to masturbate. I took another hit from the bong then started going through the pictures in the magazines in my usual manner and lining up my favorites for that night on the couch. As I was looking through the magazines the cramps in my abdomen had gotten much worse and it had become apparent that I badly needed to poop. I also knew by the way I felt that it wasn't going to be a firm normal poop, it was going to be STINK, very soft and creamy STINK and I immediately thought about the control-top pantyhose. I was already somewhat aroused but as soon as I started thinking about making STINK in the pantyhose my wee-wee got really hard. I quickly looked through the last few magazines in my collection then went into the bedroom and put on the pantyhose.
Of all the times that I had made STINK in my pants in my life, I had never been "high" when I did it and I was turned on more than ever by the thought of what I was about to do. I then did my best "girly" strut back into the living room, stopped in front of the couch and began rubbing my excited wee-wee through the pantyhose as I said "you girls are in for a very special treat tonight". I continued massaging my excited erect wee-wee while moving in rhythm with the music then slowly turned around with my butt towards the pictures and said "I'll bet you girls have never watched an adult male STINK his pants". I put both hands on my hips, bent over slightly, then with one good grunt I totally filled the seat of the pantyhose with a large amount of very mushy STINK! It was probably a good thing I had the music on to drown out my voice or my neighbor might have heard me say with delight "Oh girls look at me, I just made STINK in my pantyhose and it feels so good!" As I continued dancing and moving my hips the tight control-top pantyhose forced my STINK to spread between my legs and I could feel some had oozed a little ways down the back of my legs. I was in complete ecstasy and had to stop rubbing my excited wee-wee to keep from cumming too soon. I went into the bathroom to check myself in the mirror and seeing the mess I had made excited me even more. Whenever I had pooped in panties I could see the bulges and the stain but in the pantyhose I COULD SEE MY STINK!!! I don't know why but it really turned me on to see all that lovely brown gooey STINK through the sheer material of the pantyhose. I stood there moving my hips around and watching the mess spread around on my butt while carefully massaging my wee-wee. I then went back into the front room to dance for the girls again but I knew I couldn't control myself for long. I already had a nice wet spot from pre-cum in the front of the pantyhose. After only another minute the desire to cum was getting to be too much. I quickly walked back into the bathroom where I could watch myself in the mirror again and started bending over then standing up then bending over then standing up. Every time I would bend over the pantyhose would pull very tight against my butt causing STINK to spread all over my butt. By then it was all the way up my butt crack, about six inches down the back of my legs and had also pushed well up between my legs. My balls were covered with the gooey mess and I was loving it.
When I had started the bending and standing motion I was doing it slowly while looking in the mirror at the STINK in the pantyhose but then I kept increasing the pace and it didn't take long before I was moving rather quickly. The pantyhose was not only smearing my STINK it was also providing hands free masturbation of my very aroused wee-wee and I could tell my excitement was building towards an incredible orgasm. When I felt as if I couldn't take the pleasurable sensations for even one more second I turned around to face the mirror, then with both hands on my hips I continued to rapidly bend all the way over and stand up. As I stood up I then began to thrust my hips forward and I could see my excited pink wee-wee straining in the sheer material with pre-cum oozing from the head. It was crazy how rapidly I was bending over then standing up but it felt so good. If I did that today I would probably throw my back out but at that moment it was total pleasure. After only about ten times of rapidly bending and standing the excitement became too much and I saw a big glob of thick white cum appear inside the pantyhose. I'd never felt my wee-wee unload like it did on that first squirt and I remember squealing rather loudly "OH YEA, I LOVE TO STINK MY PANTS!!!" I continued in the same motion at least five more times with thick streams of cum squirting into my pantyhose all the while repeating "I LOVE TO STINK MY PANTS! I LOVE TO STINK MY PANTS!". It was one of the most incredible orgasms I ever had and when it ended I felt totally spent.
As I stood there looking at myself with cum and STINK in the pantyhose I was thinking that may have been the strangest thing I'd ever done but yet there was no denying that it really turned me on and I totally enjoyed myself. For the previous three years I had virtually overcome my addiction to pooping in my pants but now I was again hooked. The bad news was that I only had six months until I would be getting married and I had now just become aware that I REALLY LOVED making STINK in my pants. After that night I had the desire to do it as often as I could before my wedding. My addiction had begun.
Friday, September 9, 2011
I STINK MY PANTS....Discovering the true pleasure of it
Over the next few years I continued to poop in panties whenever the perfect opportunity arose but that was never more than a few times a year. I experimented with different things, standing while I pooped and sitting after I would make STINK in my panties. Strangely, although I would get aroused and play with my wee-wee I didn't masturbate to completion while wearing my messy pants. I would usually wait until after I cleaned up then would think about how the poop looked in my panties and fantasize about girls making STINK in their panties as I masturbated. By the time I was in my "junior" year of high school I had been dating the same girl for over a year and the subject of "pooping your pants" somehow came up. I was totally surprised and excited when she admitted to having a small accident in her pants a few years earlier then with her panties already dirty, she decided to finish her poop in them to see what it felt like. She told me she kind of liked it and had done it a few times on purpose since then. Over the next year she actually pooped her pants for me on four seperate occasions. It probably sounds strange but I really enjoyed putting my nose near her butt so I could smell the STINK she'd made in her panties. In addition to her telling me about herself pooping her pants, she also told me that her mom pooped in her pants "a lot". It seems that she had problems with constipation and took Ex-lax on a regular basis to deal with it. My girlfriend had witnessed numerous times when her mom didn't make it to the bathroom in time and would completely mess her pants with creamy runny STINK! I LOVED IT!!! It was an incredible turn-on to think of this forty year old woman making STINK in her panties and girdle! By the number of incidents she had, several in public, I soon began to doubt that it was totally by accident and to this day, I still believe she had a pants pooping fetish. I think she not only enjoyed making STINK in her pants, but that it excited her to have others know that she had made STINK in her pants!
I was intrigued by the Ex-lax induced BM's and my girlfriend agreed to give me one of her mom's chocolate Ex-lax to try sometime. I was almost eighteen years old and was home alone overnight one weekend. I took the Ex-lax just before going to bed as recommended and within fifteen minutes of waking up the next morning I had to poop. And I mean I REALLY NEEDED TO POOP!!! I hadn't prepared for that kind of urgency and I had to hurry to get an old pair of my mom's white nylon full cut panties from my hiding place (by then I had a couple pairs of panties in my collection that I used for pooping in). I quickly put on the panties and just like always, I immediately started getting aroused. I then bent over slightly while I stood with my back towards a full length mirror so I could watch myself as I pooped and relaxed my bowels. A small firm turd pushed into my panties and I was somewhat disappointed as I had been expecting the Ex-lax to make my poop very soft and mushy STINK. It turned out to be only a momentary disappointment as the small firm turd was only the "plug" in the dike. Within seconds I relaxed my bowels again and my panties ballooned outward as they quickly filled with an ENORMOUS PILE of warm mushy STINK!!! I could hardly believe how full my panties were and I still wasn't done with my BM. I gave one more "grunt" and felt another massive amount of extremely mushy STINK pushing into my panties with some of it oozing out of the leg openings and dropping onto the floor. As I stood there looking at the large mess I'd made in the panties I could only imagine how often my girlfriends mom looked in a mirror and saw a similar sight.
I tried to not allow poop to fall onto the floor as I carefully walked to a wooden chair in a different room. I then sat down in my STINK causing the warm mushy mess to squish and spread in the seat of the panties. My butt was completely covered with thick creamy STINK and it felt absolutely wonderful! I had never before sat in such a big pile of STINK then almost immediately I surprisingly felt another sensation. A hot stream of cum squirted into my panties and as I looked down at them I could see a thick glob that had penetrated the silky material. I began moving my butt around in my STINK and watched the wet spot grow bigger as I uncontrollably ejaculated! I could hardly believe what had happened. Even though I had gotten an erection when I first put the panties on, I hadn't even touched my wee-wee at all. I absolutely had not masturbated and the only stimulation for my excitement was from sitting in a big pile of warm creamy STINK!!! It was delightful and I truly loved it!!! I was amazed that just having STINK in my pants was so exciting that it made me cum! From that moment, I knew that I wanted to STINK in my pants every time that I had the opportunity. At the time it seemed there was nothing more sexually pleasureable than filling a pair of panties with STINK and CUM!!!
I was intrigued by the Ex-lax induced BM's and my girlfriend agreed to give me one of her mom's chocolate Ex-lax to try sometime. I was almost eighteen years old and was home alone overnight one weekend. I took the Ex-lax just before going to bed as recommended and within fifteen minutes of waking up the next morning I had to poop. And I mean I REALLY NEEDED TO POOP!!! I hadn't prepared for that kind of urgency and I had to hurry to get an old pair of my mom's white nylon full cut panties from my hiding place (by then I had a couple pairs of panties in my collection that I used for pooping in). I quickly put on the panties and just like always, I immediately started getting aroused. I then bent over slightly while I stood with my back towards a full length mirror so I could watch myself as I pooped and relaxed my bowels. A small firm turd pushed into my panties and I was somewhat disappointed as I had been expecting the Ex-lax to make my poop very soft and mushy STINK. It turned out to be only a momentary disappointment as the small firm turd was only the "plug" in the dike. Within seconds I relaxed my bowels again and my panties ballooned outward as they quickly filled with an ENORMOUS PILE of warm mushy STINK!!! I could hardly believe how full my panties were and I still wasn't done with my BM. I gave one more "grunt" and felt another massive amount of extremely mushy STINK pushing into my panties with some of it oozing out of the leg openings and dropping onto the floor. As I stood there looking at the large mess I'd made in the panties I could only imagine how often my girlfriends mom looked in a mirror and saw a similar sight.
I tried to not allow poop to fall onto the floor as I carefully walked to a wooden chair in a different room. I then sat down in my STINK causing the warm mushy mess to squish and spread in the seat of the panties. My butt was completely covered with thick creamy STINK and it felt absolutely wonderful! I had never before sat in such a big pile of STINK then almost immediately I surprisingly felt another sensation. A hot stream of cum squirted into my panties and as I looked down at them I could see a thick glob that had penetrated the silky material. I began moving my butt around in my STINK and watched the wet spot grow bigger as I uncontrollably ejaculated! I could hardly believe what had happened. Even though I had gotten an erection when I first put the panties on, I hadn't even touched my wee-wee at all. I absolutely had not masturbated and the only stimulation for my excitement was from sitting in a big pile of warm creamy STINK!!! It was delightful and I truly loved it!!! I was amazed that just having STINK in my pants was so exciting that it made me cum! From that moment, I knew that I wanted to STINK in my pants every time that I had the opportunity. At the time it seemed there was nothing more sexually pleasureable than filling a pair of panties with STINK and CUM!!!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
I STINK my pants....the beginning
My desire for pooping my pants started when I was in second grade. I was downtown with my mom and older sister. They were shopping in a womans/girls clothing store and I had gone to Woolworths to kill time in the toy department. I had to poop and tried to relieve the pressure by farting. Instead I ended up filling my pants with a very messy poop. I walked back to the store where my mom and sister were shopping. My sister was in a dressing room trying on some clothes when I approached my mom and told her "I had an accident in my pants". She asked "number one?" and when I shook my head "no" she said rather loudly "STINK? YOU MADE STINK IN YOUR PANTS?" She asked how it happened and I explained it to her then she said they weren't done shopping and I would either have to wait there or in the car. We lived only five minutes from downtown and with a little whining I was able to talk her into taking me home. When my sister came out of the dressing room I heard my mom say "your brother just made a stink in his pants. I'm going to take him home and will be right back". The clerk standing next to her heard my mom also and it was totally embarrassing then my sister said to me "I can't believe you went stink in your pants? What a baby". I had to sit in my pooped pants as my mom drove me home and she told me to leave my dirty underwear in the bathroom so she could wash them out when she got back later. I was happy that my dad worked nights and wasn't around when we got home. I removed my underwear and they were really a mess. At times in my childhood I had little diarrhea accidents from letting out a small wet fart but on this particular time my underwear were full of thick creamy poop. For the first time in my life outside of diapers I had made a BIG poop in my pants and I always remembered it. I don't know why but I replayed that incident in my mind over the next few years. I distinctly remembered the event in detail but over time the rememberance of what it felt like to have a big poop in my pants diminished and by the time I was in seventh grade I was becoming curious. By then I had also started thinking that the reason I often saw my moms and sisters panties hanging wet in the bathroom was because they had pooped in them. I determined that if they were pooping in their panties so much it must be something really fun. I wanted to again see what it felt like and decided that when I got the right opportunity, I was going to poop my pants!
It had been a few months since I began thinking about pooping my pants and I was really getting anxious. In April 1969 I was home alone and finally had the chance I'd been waiting for. I didn't have to poop as badly as I would have liked but still I knew I could poop and I wasn't going to let the opportunity slip away. I was nervous as I sat on the toilet in a normal position but with my underwear still on. After a little bit of effort a firm turd came out and dropped into my underwear. I was thirteen and I had just purposely pooped in my pants! I immediately got very paranoid about what I'd done, quickly stood up and dumped the turd out then wiped the small amount of poop residue from my underwear. It really wasn't how I hoped it would be and decided it was a dumb thing to do. It only took a few days however for me to decide I wanted to try it one more time but I was going to wait until I needed to poop badly so it would be easier to go and I could fill my underwear with more than a small turd. As I waited for the opportunity to experiment again I also decided that I wanted to do it in panties instead of my own underwear. I got an older pair of my sisters panties and hid them, trying them on occasionally and looking at myself in the mirror while imagining what they would look like full of poop.
I only had to wait a little over a month for the perfect opportunity. My family was gone for the day and I was hanging out with some friends at one of their houses in my neighborhood when I felt the need to poop. It came on quickly and by the way I felt I knew it was going to be a big one. At that time in my life I had an afternoon newspaper route and since it was getting close to the time of day for the papers to get dropped off at my house, I had a good excuse for going home. I actually had to poop so badly that I was almost desperate and ran back to my house. I got my sisters white nylon panties from my hiding place and had some incredible butterflies in my stomach as I put them on then went into the bathroom and again sat on the toilet in my usual pooping position. Unlike the first time I knew it was not going to take any effort to poop. I then relaxed my bowels and immediately felt a very large amount of warm creamy poop pile up in the seat of my sisters panties. This time it wasn't just a little poop in my pants I had definitely made STINK in my pants, a BIG MESSY CREAMY STINK just as I had been wanting to do. I never had so much poop in my pants and I could feel a warm stickiness against my butt. I got pretty paranoid again since I was doing something that I had been trained throughout my entire life not to do but in a strange way it felt good and I wanted to leave it in the panties for at least a few minutes. When I stood up and walked over to the mirror to look at myself, the pile of poop hanging in the seat of the panties felt enormous. I already had an obvious boner sticking out in the front of the panties then I turned around and looked at my butt in the mirror. I could see the panties were already stained around the large bulge in the seat then I stood there for a moment enjoying the view of how panties looked when they are full of STINK. Surprisingly I didn't masturbate that first time and even though no one was supposed to be home for a few more hours I was nervous about being caught and took the panties off after only a few minutes. Since I had accomplished what I wanted and thought that it was a one time thing, I foolishly threw the panties away instead of washing them out.
It had been a few months since I began thinking about pooping my pants and I was really getting anxious. In April 1969 I was home alone and finally had the chance I'd been waiting for. I didn't have to poop as badly as I would have liked but still I knew I could poop and I wasn't going to let the opportunity slip away. I was nervous as I sat on the toilet in a normal position but with my underwear still on. After a little bit of effort a firm turd came out and dropped into my underwear. I was thirteen and I had just purposely pooped in my pants! I immediately got very paranoid about what I'd done, quickly stood up and dumped the turd out then wiped the small amount of poop residue from my underwear. It really wasn't how I hoped it would be and decided it was a dumb thing to do. It only took a few days however for me to decide I wanted to try it one more time but I was going to wait until I needed to poop badly so it would be easier to go and I could fill my underwear with more than a small turd. As I waited for the opportunity to experiment again I also decided that I wanted to do it in panties instead of my own underwear. I got an older pair of my sisters panties and hid them, trying them on occasionally and looking at myself in the mirror while imagining what they would look like full of poop.
I only had to wait a little over a month for the perfect opportunity. My family was gone for the day and I was hanging out with some friends at one of their houses in my neighborhood when I felt the need to poop. It came on quickly and by the way I felt I knew it was going to be a big one. At that time in my life I had an afternoon newspaper route and since it was getting close to the time of day for the papers to get dropped off at my house, I had a good excuse for going home. I actually had to poop so badly that I was almost desperate and ran back to my house. I got my sisters white nylon panties from my hiding place and had some incredible butterflies in my stomach as I put them on then went into the bathroom and again sat on the toilet in my usual pooping position. Unlike the first time I knew it was not going to take any effort to poop. I then relaxed my bowels and immediately felt a very large amount of warm creamy poop pile up in the seat of my sisters panties. This time it wasn't just a little poop in my pants I had definitely made STINK in my pants, a BIG MESSY CREAMY STINK just as I had been wanting to do. I never had so much poop in my pants and I could feel a warm stickiness against my butt. I got pretty paranoid again since I was doing something that I had been trained throughout my entire life not to do but in a strange way it felt good and I wanted to leave it in the panties for at least a few minutes. When I stood up and walked over to the mirror to look at myself, the pile of poop hanging in the seat of the panties felt enormous. I already had an obvious boner sticking out in the front of the panties then I turned around and looked at my butt in the mirror. I could see the panties were already stained around the large bulge in the seat then I stood there for a moment enjoying the view of how panties looked when they are full of STINK. Surprisingly I didn't masturbate that first time and even though no one was supposed to be home for a few more hours I was nervous about being caught and took the panties off after only a few minutes. Since I had accomplished what I wanted and thought that it was a one time thing, I foolishly threw the panties away instead of washing them out.
Friday, August 19, 2011
My Sissy called it STINK
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Friday, April 22, 2011
I sucked my second cock!

It was almost two years since the first time that I sucked a cock and afterwards I thought I would probably never do it again....but I DID! I'd been getting horny thinking about trying it again so a few weeks ago I contacted a man that I had communicated with last fall. We weren't able to find a way to get together then and it was forgotten. When I contacted him last month he was still interested in having me suck his cock while I was dressed in bra and panties. After a few e-mails we were able to determine a time and place that worked for both of us.
I met him at his office on a Friday morning. No one else was in the office that day so it was a perfect setting. He was a year older then me, about 6 foot 1 inches tall and looked fit. I was nervous from the moment I arrived and when I told him I was there for a 10AM appointment, he knew what I was there for and led me to the conference room. I had told him ahead of time that if possible I would like to suck him in front of a mirror as I wanted to see what I looked like with a cock in my mouth. When I walked into the conference room I saw a chair sitting in front of a mirror and I knew my fantasy was about to come true.
He asked if I was wearing bra and panties and when I told him I was he had me strip down to my feminine undies. At the same time he removed his clothes and I saw his nice thick cock for the first time. He had me sit in the chair and when he moved in front of me I began to lick his cock and balls then took his cock in my mouth. After sucking him for a few minutes he got down on his knees, pulled the front of my panties down then began to play with my cock and balls before licking and sucking them. It felt so good that I had to ask him to stop as I felt like I was about to cum. He then had me remove my panties so he could check out my butt. I then got down on my knees and as I began to suck him again I asked him to sit in the chair. I took his cock in my mouth then looked at myself in the mirror sucking his thick 7 inch cock. I was playing with my cock while I watched myself sucking his and it was more excitement then I could handle. I tried to get myself under control but it was too late as I began shooting my load into my own hand. I apoloized and he was understanding as he gave me a kleenex to clean up with then he took my limp cock in his mouth to taste the last bit of my cum. He had me turn around and bend over then he started playing with my butt as he massaged my balls between my legs. I felt his finger against my hole then he pushed it in. It felt big and hurt a little with no lubricant. He continued to finger my hole then he said "oh shit" as the excitement got to be too much for him also and he shot his load on his belly.
It wasn't the way I had hoped it would end but before we parted ways we talked about getting together again sometime. As I drove home, I felt a kind of strange about what I had done and decided there wouldn't be a next time. After only two weeks I began getting the desire to suck cock. I contacted my male friend and we're both anxious for the next time. The time and place hasn't been determined yet but I know it will be as soon as we have the opportunity. Now that we've been together once, I'm certain we will both be a little more relaxed the next time and the results will be better. I'm really curious as to what it's like to have a man shoot his hot load of cum in my mouth. I hope I will finally know after our next meeting!
Sucking cock one time means you're curious, but after the second time it means you are a cocksucker. And since I'm craving having a cock in my mouth again, I think I can safely say "I AM A SISSY COCKSUCKER!!!"
The attached pictures are what I wore and looked like for my second cocksucking experience. I think the flowered panties are very sissy looking! Don't you agree?
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